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Community Outreach

At World of ABC, The Waldo School we take pride in being a part of our growing community. The goal of our community outreach program is to increase awareness of needs locally and throughout the world by getting students involved in a variety of activities to further develop their understanding of service and being a global citizen. Below are just a few of the events and projects our school participates in:

Food Drive

Our campus collects non-perishable food items and grocery store gift cards that we donate to New Jersey Food Bank as well as a local women and children's shelter during the Thanksgiving holidays. The items collected help families and children in need.

Salvation Army Angel Tree

Before our end of the year holiday break, families and staff are encouraged to take a tag from our Christmas Angel Tree for a child in need, so that every child can have an amazing and memory-filled Christmas morning. The toys that are collected are then delivered to the Salvation Army.

Campus Garden

As a way to promote environmental awareness, each student gets the opportunity to add to our campus garden by choosing to plant herbs, flowers, or vegetables. Students plant, water, care for, and observe the plants in our garden while learning about the impact we leave on our planet and the benefits of giving back to it.