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Guest Speakers

We place a high value on exposing our students to external resources. Throughout the academic year, students enjoy a variety of fun and interactive assemblies utilized as a spring board for learning. Students enjoy special guests, magic shows, story tellers and visits from animals, just to name a few of the types of guests that we bring in for our students to learn from.

Students of The Waldo School have their curriculum further enhanced by our Guest Speaker Series. Designed to expand upon current themes in the classroom, students are exposed to a monthly speaker. Guest speakers come from all walks of life. From politicians to veterinarians, our students have the unique ability to learn about various disciplines and are offered the opportunity to engage in a Q&A session following the presentation.

Some of this year's Guest Speakers include:

  • Former Governor Jim McGreevey
  • NJ GOP Leader Jose Arango
  • Jersey City Mayor: Steven Fulop
  • State Senator: Sandra Cunningham
  • Handler & Therapy Dog: Nicole Jordan & Jersey Jordan
  • Police & Fire Safety Officers